November 10th & 11th:  Early Dismissal Days, Parent Conferences

 (No school for Pre-K or Head Start.  K—5th is dismissed at 1:00 PM) 

Nov. 15th:  Award Assemblies (see below information)

Nov. 17th:  Annual Thanksgiving Feast (see below information)

Nov. 23rd & 24th:  Thanksgiving Holidays, No School

 *See below for additional information

Award Assemblies—First One is November 15th

We will have four award assemblies this year.  The first quarter Award Assembly is scheduled for November 15th.  Grades 3—5 will begin at 10:00 AM and 1—2nd grades will be held at 2:15 PM.  We hope that you can attend to celebrate the success of our children.  Third—fifth graders receive the following awards:  Honor Roll (average of B with only one C and all I’s and L’s in Learning Skills), Most Improved Awards (beginning second quarter), Cougar Awards—Something to Roar About, and the Principal’s Brag Board Awards.  First and second graders receive the following awards:  Cougar Awards—Something  to Roar About, Most Improved Awards (beginning second quarter), and the Principal’s Brag Board Awards. 

Parent—Teacher Conferences: It’s That Time of Year

Parent—Teacher conferences are scheduled for November 10th and 11th.  Please be sure to arrive at your child’s classroom door at your scheduled time.  Teachers are on a strict schedule and will need to end your conference at the scheduled time to begin the next conference on time.  We appreciate your attendance at these important conferences.